Pets fed on food low in glycemic lead to healthier and longer lives which is the most important thing for our fur babies! Foods with low glycemic ingredients like Spring Naturals digest slower, allowing all the nutrients to be absorbed properly. Letting your canine stay fuller longer which can help maintain and control their weight. While dog foods made using high glycemic ingredients usually leads to elevated blood glucose levels which can unfortunately increase the risk of allergies, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, yeast infections and hypothyroidism. Only a few pet brands, dry dog food have passed the tests done by Glycemic Research Institute and Spring Naturals entire dry dog line has been deemed Low Glycemic and Diabetic Friendly by them.
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My pups just love their Spring Naturals! I love the fact their food is low glycemic and made with real protein sources, not meat meal. They love it because it just tastes so good :)