January 13, 2016

Winter Safety Tips For Your Dog


With winter almost here, keep your dog safe and warm, leaving Jack Frost from nibbling on their noses.  Frostbite is very serious and can leave permanent damage that may not appear for a few days.  It's a cold temperature related tissue injury that mostly occurs on paws, tails and ears.  Signs of frostbite to look out for are swelling, blisters or discolored skin.

Hypothermia can creep up on the best of dogs in the cold.  It is when the dog's body temperatures falls below normal and the body is unable to keep up with the loss of heat.  Signs of hypothermia are shivering, whining, groin area is cold to the touch, mental sluggishness and shallow breathing.  Call your veterinarian immediately if you think your dog has experienced hypothermia.

Also keep in mind senior dogs, puppies, and dogs with certain health issues are more susceptible to the cold weather.

Winter Safety Tips For Dogs
  • Bundle your dog up with an extra layer with a sweater or a coat.
  • Beware of salt, it can damage the paw pads.
  • Check your dogs paws after being outside for snow in between their toes.
  • Provide your dog paw protection from dog booties to paw balms.
  • Avoid frozen bodies of water, your dog may not realize it isn't a secure surface.
  • If you go on a walk make sure to use a leash and that they have their ID tags on because dogs are lost more in the winter.
  • If you usually have your dog's hair cut, try to keep it longer it will help them stay warm.
  • Watch out for antifreeze, just a few licks can kill a dog or a cat.
  • Keep your house well heated.
  • Supply your dog with blankets to stay warm.  Alle has several blankets and even a heating blanket that she loves.


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