September 27, 2017

Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover That Eliminates Accidents Safely

Accidents happen, especially with a new puppy!  We are so happy to have rescued Neptune but not so thrilled on the puppy accidents.  So, I went to the stain & odor remover that is safe and works that I used with success before with Alle.  Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover is natural while being extremely effective in cleaning and removing those dirty stains and odors.  It completely eliminates some of the strongest and toughest accidents by using an unique organic enzyme blend that attacks the odors and stains from urine, feces, blood, vomit, food, mildew and similar causes.  These impressive enzymes lift and break down the messes by removing and discouraging your pet from marking the area again.  I noticed Neptune never went back to where I sprayed this Stain & Odor Remover.  Leaving one of the most refreshing scents of mandarin oranges and green tea behind!  I love this scent!!  It makes cleaning up those messes almost worth it...almost.

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Here is what Alle and Neptune, the #bloggingboxers have to bark about the Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover...

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Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover can be safely used on upholstery, carpet and hard surfaces.  I used and continually use this amazing natural cleaner everywhere!!!  From the carpet, Alle's and Neptune's beds, the couch, car. 

Pawesome Facts About Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover
  • Completely non-toxic formula that is safe for pets and people
  • Enzymes remove stains and odors associated with feces, urine, vomit and more
  • Pleasant mandarin orange and green tea scent
  • Can be used on carpet, upholstery and hard surfaces


You can find Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover Here

Only Natural Pet Stain & Odor Remover is available in a 24 flo oz single or as a 4 pack

Ingredients: Blend of enzymes, biocatalysts, organic surfactants and organic cleaning agents

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Only Natural Pet supplied Alle and Neptune with this Pet Stain & Odor Remover but we only share information & opinions of our own that we believe in.



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