November 10, 2017

Keep Flea & Ticks Away With This EasyDefense Flea & Tick Spray

Along with other amazing holistic Only Natural Pet EasyDefense products I use this Only Natural Pet EasyDefense Flea & Tick Spray.  Which is easy, fast and natural to help keep those nasty Fleas and Ticks at bay.  I use this powerful repellent every day on Alle and Neptune before heading outside, seeing as our backyard is very woodsy full of deer and other cute critter that carry not so cute bugs.  I also spray it on our rugs and their bedding.  It leaves a nice crisp peppermint smell instead of smelly dog by repelling flea and ticks with geraniol and peppermint oil.  We have been using this spray for about 6 months now, this is my second bottle and I doubt my last!

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Here is what Alle and Neptune, the #BloggingBoxers have to bark about the Only Natural Pet EasyDefense Flea & Tick Spray...
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Alle-"I love when I see Mom grab that bottle that smells good enough to eat because I know she is going to spray us down and then we get to go outside to play!  I also like it only takes two wags to apply.  Before using this spray I had gotten a couple of yucky ticks, I hate those thing!  They hurt and make me itch but thankfully I haven't had one since using this spray and the other EasyDefense products.  Which equals happiness!"

Neptune-"Ooooo I love the spray us down game!  Its so fun for Mom to spray me as I run around the dinning room table but I secretly like it because once she sprays Alle I want to be too!  And the amazing massage of Mom rubbing it in is EVERTHING!

Pawesome Facts About EasyDefense Flea & Tick Spray:
  • No artificial colors, DEETS, fragrances or chemicals
  • Natural
  • Holistic
  • Geraniol and peppermint
  • Safe for dogs & cats

You can find this Spray Here

Only Natural Pet is founded on the premises that pets thrive the best with a holistic approach to health using high quality, natural products.  Every single product is developed and approved by Only Natural Pet holistic veterinarian, Dr. Jean Hofve.

You can find our review and more info on ONP Ultimate Flea & Tick Kit Here

This EasyDefense Herbal Shampoo works best as part of a holistic approach to flea and tick control with the other EasyDefense products you can find here

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Only Natural Pet supplied Alle and Neptune with this EasyDefense Flea & Tick Spray but we only share information & opinions of our own that we believe in.


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