A family-owned company in the USA, Spring Naturals believes that your pet deserves the most healthy, well balanced food that will improve their health and well being. Using their exclusive, delicious recipes that are crafted using real protein, whole fruits, whole vegetables and whole grains. While offering grain free dry and canned food, made without wheat, corn, or soy.
Spring Naturals uses fresh, high quality proteins as their first ingredient, whole fruits like apricots that helps maintain healthy eyes and heart, whole vegetables like eggs and yummy chickpeas with low-glycemic legumes which helps your dog maintain lean muscles for their active and healthy lifestyle. Only a few pet brands dry dog food have passed the tests done by Glycemic Research Institute and Spring Naturals entire dry dog line has been deemed Low Glycemic and Diabetic Friendly by them. Pets fed on food low in glycemic lead to healthier and longer lives which is the most important thing for our fur babies! Foods with low glycemic ingredients like Spring Naturals digest slower, allowing all the nutrients to be absorbed properly. Letting your canine stay fuller longer which can help maintain and control their weight. While dog foods made using high glycemic ingredients usually leads to elevated blood glucose levels which can unfortunately increase the risk of allergies, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, yeast infections and hypothyroidism.
Alle had the pawleasure of trying Spring Naturals' Grain Free Turkey Dinner dry food and Spring Naturals' Grain Free Beef Stew canned food.
Spring Naturals Grain Free Turkey Dinner with chickpeas, carrots & berries
Turkey is the first ingredient in this delightful, complete balanced recipe with whole fruits berries, whole vegetables like chickpeas and carrots that are high in vitamin A, which is important for eye health. Made without wheat, soy, corn, by-products, artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.
These flavorful, grain free, dry foods comes in Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Salmon and Lamb.
In the beginning of feeding Alle the Turkey Dinner dry food I added it to her old dry food. She ate around the old dry food, pulling out only the Turkey Dinner. Then when I just gave Alle the Spring Naturals Grain Free Turkey Dinner dry dog food she emptied her bowl, without having me add in cheese or anything else to coax her to eat.
Spring Naturals Grain Free Beef Stew with carrots, peas & cranberries
An appetizing complete balanced meal with real beef as the first ingredient mixed with whole vegetables like carrots and peas, whole fruits such as cranberries that help strengthen your pets immune system. Crafted without corn, wheat, soy, by-products, artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.
These savory, grain free, canned foods come in Beef Stew, Chicken Stew, Turkey Stew, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb & Salmon
As you may have noticed I didn't get the time to take a good picture of the canned Beef Stew before Alle woofed it down. She appeared before me as soon as I opened the can, the tantalizing smell pulling her in (it smelled delicious!). Alle ate it without coaxing, leaving nothing behind, not even a pea. I have honestly never seen her eat with such tunnel vision, not stopping until it was all gone and wanting more.
Want to sink your teeth into some Spring Naturals? Well, three, yes three lucky pawesome followers will get to try Spring Naturals dry food and canned food, flavor of their choice! Can I hear a woof, woof for that?!
Official Giveaway Rules & Information- Three random winners, gets their choice of a dry food flavor and a canned dog food flavor
- Opened only in USA
- Contest begins 10/21/2015 6:00AM EST
- Contest ends 10/28/2015 11:59PM EST
- Have to follow me on Twitter
- Have to follow Spring Naturals on Twitter
- Simply RT my pinned tweet about the giveaway on my twitter homepage to be entered
- For an extra entry leave a comment below telling me who would be munching on Spring Naturals' dog food
- Winners will be announced on twitter within 24 hours of contest closing
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