Only Natural Pet Buffalo Knots Dog Chews are made with grass fed, free range water buffalo raised without antibiotics or hormones. This single ingredient dog chew is high in protein and low in fat Only Natural Pet uses only the highest quality of water buffalo that is uniquely air-dried. Leaving behind a texture and taste your dog will not be able to get enough of and creating a healthy, natural dental chew. They will never be happier to clean their teeth and gums when chewing on these Buffalo Knot Dog Chews.
These specially designed knot dog chews kept Alle completely entertained and engaged while happily sinking her tongue, gums and teeth in. Alle never took a break from munching until the Buffalo Knot Dog Chew was gone, barely paying attention to anything else. The mailman came while Alle was eating one of these chews and instead of getting up, wanting out to watch and bark at him. She merely barked once then continued chewing away. Needless to say Only Natural Buffalo Knot Dog Chews are now a stable chew in the house. There is a natural odor to these buffalo chews that may bother some but I didn't mind it.

Pawesome Facts About Only Natural Pet Buffalo Knots Dog Chews:
- Single ingredient
- Made from free range, grass fed water buffalo
- Grain Free
- No artificial flavors or colors
- Low in fat, high in protein
- Uniquely air-dried and knotted texture makes it a natural dental chew/maintain healthy gums and teeth
- Allergy friendly for dogs with other protein allergies like poultry and beef
- The water buffalo is raised without antibiotics or hormones
The Buffalo Knots Dog Chews measure about 7" available a single bag (4 dog chews) or a 3 pack (12 dog chews)
You can find these Buffalo Knot Dog Chews here
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Only Natural Pet supplied Alle with these Buffalo Knots Dog Chews but we only share information & opinions of our own that we believe in.
Are you looking for safe natural chews for dogs that will keep your dog occupied all day? Don’t worry; you are on the right place. Get more details by visiting natural dog treats.