Alle's tongue and taste buds twisted in delight over these single ingredient, Only Natural Pet Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews. Made in the USA using grass-fed, free range lamb, raised free of hormones and antibiotics. Plus being made in USA they follow strict regulations that maintain quality and safety for our fur babies. These Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews are low in fat while being high in protein and full of naturally occurring nutrients, such as glucosamine which is good for healthy joints.
Only Natural Pet Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews are created from twisting two lamb bully sticks together, leaving a natural dental chew for your dog, the shape making it great for gum and teeth health. A great dog chew for dogs that have beef or poultry allergies. These lamb twist chew is smaller than a beef twist chew which makes it a great dog chew for puppies and small breeds. Since Alle is a large breed and a pro chewer they didn't last that long but she thoroughly enjoyed every bite. Sometimes I would even give Alle two which she happily woofed down. Alle twisted in every direction trying to lick and sink her teeth into these dog chews, hopefully destroying any tartar or bad doggie breath. Alle loves the taste of lamb and I love the benefits of her eating something pack full of nutrients.
Pawesome Facts About These Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews
- Single ingredient
- Made in the USA using grass-fed, free range lamb
- Natural dental chew
- Low in fat, high in protein
- No antibiotics or hormones
- 100% digestible
- Rich in naturally occurring nutrients like glucosamine

You can fine these Only Natural Pet Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews here
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Only Natural Pet supplied Alle with these Lamb Bully Twist Dog Chews but we only share information & opinions of our own that we believe in.
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